
Imagine worshipping in an atmosphere of total inclusion and acceptance, where you are welcome, in fact encouraged to ask questions. Join us for an inspiring, "user friendly" Shabbat morning experience! Daven with a minyan, listen to the Torah being read, enjoy meaningful insights, join us for kiddush and connect with your Jewish roots.

The services will be held at 4735 Belleview Ave and there will be Services at 10:00 and culminating with a Royal Kidush at 12:00. We would like to thank all those that were part of inspiring and planning this great new project! Please join us, and please share this news with all your Jewish friends. Looking forward to seeing you on Shabbat morning.

Sponsor a Kiddush!

It is customary to end Shabbat morning services by joining together as a community to bless the wine (make kiddush) and to enjoy good food and company. This is referred to as “the kiddush.” Sponsoring this community time is a wonderful way to celebrate a simcha or joy, mark a special moment in one’s life, or honor or memorialize someone.

$54 - Mini Kiddush
$180 - Full Kiddush